Humankind: Suggestion Box

Help us bring creative ideas to life and choose the next features.

  1. Read First: How to Give Feedback

    Start by summarizing your feedback on the title. Avoid starting with "this is a bug." Instead, provide a concise summary of the issue or suggestion. Details: Expand on your summary. If you're reporting a bug, try to include as much detail as possible. Screenshots or videos are highly appreciated and can help us quickly identify and address the problem. Remember to include your Token ID for more specific issues. Labeling: Finally, add the right label to your feedback. This helps us categorize and prioritize the feedback we receive. Choose from the following labels: Deal Breaker 💔: For major issues that significantly hinder your user experience. Bug Report 🐛: For reporting glitches or errors you've encountered. Misc 🤷: For general feedback, questions or discussions. Styling 🎨: For feedback on visuals, UI, or aesthetics. Integrations 🔗: For feedback on system interactions, third-party services, or collaborations. Improvement 👍: For feature requests, suggestions for enhancements or new ideas. Remember, the more detail you provide, the better we can understand and address your feedback. Thank you for helping us improve!



  2. Update profile picture to you Forever Kind

    I'd love to be able to change the PFP in my profile to one of my Forever Kinds. With my Forever Kind selected as my PFP in my profile, being able to see data viz stats of: how long they've been staking how long they've been as 'Your Forever Kind' (I know it's forever but could change from time to time) adventures they've been in battles they've won

    #Improvement 👍


  3. Share how many points their Kinds earned per event on socials

    A great way to not only promote the game and project but to also create a sense of achievement, after the end of each event, we could show how many points their Kinds received in a location and allow users to share this on socials. Possible concept below. The artwork on these events are too good not to be shared!

    #Improvement 👍


  4. Wrestle rewards

    The rewards for wrestling don’t really seem to justify the risk. For example it should be ‘x’ amount for a win + the opponent’s remaining health. Running away is also too punitive … better to try and duke it out to the death so never bother to flee

    #Wrestle 💪


  5. Adventuring as a team!

    While adventuring as a 'lone wolf' character is fun and people can always play solo, It would be cool to have some elements of the game that maybe rely on creating a squad or team, combining different skills to create the ultimate team. Obviously some adventures might need a character to be stealthy, where maybe a solo player will excel, but for a big boss battle you might need to make a squad of MAX 5 players to try and beat it! It also introduces a bit of community interaction and fun to the adventure as you want to team up with Humankinds with different skill sets! Of course a single player could just use 5 different wallets with 5 different characters to get around the idea of working as a team... but those that do are rewarded with something money cant buy, meeting and working with new people that might become future friends.

    Viv M
    #Improvement 👍


  6. Show Top 5 leaders within a location

    Show the top 5 leaders within a location so that it is easier for users to know who's winning in a location. It would be great to see how long they've been in the location too as I'm usually curious how people are moving/placing their Kinds.

    #Improvement 👍


  7. Daily Adventure Log

    I have no idea HOW you would do this... but is there any way you can program a short story recap of an adventuring day? As in... after a day of adventuring when you get your points you also receive a short story recap of your day, similar to the story the each Humankind has generated as the back story. An example of this would be ... lets say my Humankind did really well, getting almost maximum points in its adventuring day and battled in sunny and thunderstorm. Maybe a generated 'adventure log' response for this day could be: "What started out as an easy day fighting trolls ended with an intense battle against some hags in a thunderstorm. Who knew that Hags could control robots to fight for them. But in the end we were victorious and made it back to the tavern in one piece and celebrated with milk and cookies!" Or if you had a tough day of adventuring where your Humankinds were ill-suited for the conditions in Windy and Sunny weather the 'adventure log' might read: "Today was a hard day of adventuring. Our team was ill suited to the conditions and we lost bobby to a large gust of wind that took him... well who knows where. Then the wind stopped and the sun came out and cooked us in our armour and we were not ready for when some goblins sprang a trap for us. We took many loses and tonight we lick our wounds in defeat." I don't know if people would enjoy it but i think it would be a fun extra to be people involved in the game and start thinking about the adventures their Humankind goes on when you arn't watching.

    Viv M
    #Improvement 👍


  8. Finding 1/1 Items (badges) that can be burned for a power boost

    It would be really fun to have to chance to randomly 'find' a rare item/badge that can be used/burnt in the future for a power up. For example, every day one Humankind can find a rare item that is added to their badges like a weapon called "Fiendcrusher" or "Nightmare's End" that can be burnt for a special power like 2xpoints for 24 hours or for 24 hours your Humankind thrives in every weather condition. Its a fun way of 'rewarding' adventures in a way that most gamers love. EVERYONE loves finding a rare weapon or item in a game.

    Viv M
    #Improvement 👍


  9. compundable NFTs/changing metadata

    Will this idea come into reality? in the call it was mentioned, but i think its something the team should really look into, (using L2 chains?) to buy and set different attributes to your NFTs so when you get a medal your HK pic changes and the metadata as well... i've seen other projects do it with success (Passengers) where you can add/remove components to your NFT (gear, clothing, hats, weapons). Maybe reward top players with this medals or gear for them to use it on their NFT or even sell it for others to capitalize. The current medal system is tied to the user, not to the NFT so even if a user sells all its NFTs it will retain the medal (attach it to the NFTs and no the users)

    #Improvement 👍#Misc 🤷


  10. Youtube Video on 'How To Play' Humankind

    Sorry for the bombardment of ideas team haha... I just woke up this morning with a lot of ideas in my head. Once again, probably not a huge priority BUT when you do release the game which featuring more hand on features I would strongly suggest making a youtube video on 'How to Play', with screen capture and a voice over, and probably by Pablo or Marian as they in a way... the face of the project or a community manager that BECOMES the face and communicator between the team and the games community. I know you might be thinking that you have a lot of material on 'How to Play' but youtube how-to videos are such a great way of explaining ANYTHING. Having a video showing a step by step guide of how to play, while having the game open in the window next to it will make things so much easier. PLUS... If you start doing it early, setting up a good format every-time you ship a new feature you can have a short video explaining how it works and how to best play the game. In time you will have a awesome youtube playlist of how-to play the Humankind game so if people discover the game 1 year after the release, things are easily explained in the playlist. It seems pretty easy but trust me, its probably one of the biggest mistakes I see with projects with games. Projects shipping cool updates with smaller games but not having a video explaining the feature and the document or info explaining the feature is lost in other updates and info. Then HOPEFULLY if the future ... you will get Humankind youtubers who then will do this for you haha. But that is much further in the future. But to start with... making sure potential community members and players don't feel intimidated by all the different information is important... I mean... I have NO IDEA what is happening the the Yuga labs ecosystem... and they dont have have a game out yet lol.

    Viv M
    #Misc 🤷


  11. Daily Login Bonus/Trait Bonuses

    A lot of mobile games do this... and its one of the things that makes them addictive and fun. Daily login bonuses. The idea is that you get a small bonus for logging in and interacting with the game, even if its only briefly. Then if you log in 7 days in a row you get a bigger bonus, ie an item or something that is rare in game. Nothing too game braking but it makes the game a little bit more addictive, which is what games strive to do really. To add onto this... and maybe its a different idea but along the same thread, mini trait events where Humankinds that have particular traits get special bonuses for 48 hours. BUT ... make these mini events something where people have to participate in. IE... a Humankind with the 'ripper' trait gets a 3x XP adventuring when transferring to an area with sunny weather. That way your reward a player who is active and take the time to transfer their Human to a new area... basically you are rewarding players participate while having an element of luck in terms of what traits are picked to be XP boosted.

    Viv M
    #Improvement 👍


  12. Batch actions

    The current flow for moving Kinds across is: 1️⃣ clicking the kind 2️⃣ clicking the 🔄 button 3️⃣ choosing a new location 4️⃣ confirming to move This sequence of actions can be repetitive and cause fatigue for big holders who want to do a lot of actions with their Kinds. I would like to suggest an additional flow for batch actions, which begins with a tabulated/summarised view of all your kinds, where you can, in the same screenspace: 1️⃣ see all your Kinds and their current statuses, such as accumulated points, standings and locations 2️⃣ choosing what action to take for each Kind for example: stop adventuring, start adventuring (choose a location) 3️⃣ finally confirming all changes in one click

    Skipper L
    #Improvement 👍#Deal Breaker 💔


  13. Chances of winning is not showing

    Can you fix the chances of winning before starting a battle? It says N/A

    #Wrestle 💪#Bug Report 🐛


  14. Show estimated damage my skills can do before using them

    It would help to prepare and choose which strategy to use

    #Improvement 👍#Wrestle 💪


  15. Sobre la jugabilidad

    Hola, me hicieron recordar un proyecto que jugué hace como 4 años, se llamaba Ether Kingdoms (ahorita ya se fue al demonio y se quedó en WIP el rebrandeo que estaban haciendo), me gustaba la jugabilidad que tenía, ibas subiendo de nivel, tu champ se hacía más fuerte, jugabas para recolectar IMPs (token) y con eso comprar items para mejorar y pelear con otros usuarios cada vez más fuertes a lo largo del mapa, también en el mapa podías "minar/stakear" IMPs, en fin, les comparto esto porque puede que les de una idea para la jugabilidad de HK. Video de Ether Kingdoms: Entiendo que está en beta el modo de juego de HK, pienso que puede mejorar mucho para mantener más tiempo al usuario dentro de la plataforma, los items de cada HK me gustaría verlos más como parte de la batalla. También, creo que las batallas pueden ser más largas, tener elementos extras o potenciadores para dar más alternativas al usuario. Un sistema de recompensas más atractivo también es algo que puede jalar a muchos jugadores, si no es precisamente un token, a lo mejor algo que con tus puntos de XP por semana te den acceso a cosas como: El top 10 de la semana entra a la rifa de un HK, o el top 5 tienen chance se lleva un bote de 10 usds. Son ideas al aire. Espero haber aportado algo. Saludos.

    #Wrestle 💪
